Spring sports registration is OPEN!

Welcome to Martin Luther H.S. Athletic/Activity Registration


Important Reminders

  1. 1. If your child is new to ML or has not yet participated in a sport this year, please create a NEW account and secondly you must verify the new account via your e-mail before completing the registration.
  2. 2. If registering for the first time, it is important that you enter your child's Full Legal Name (first and last) as entered in Skyward correctly, (Benjamin and not only Ben or hyphenated last name, etc.) along with DOB. This will help pre-populate many fields.
  3. 3. If your child has already participated in a sport this school year, then simply log into your current account and register as you did before.
  4. 4. 2024-2025 Athletic Code Parent/Student-Athlete Mandatory Meeting
    1. If you missed the meeting in the fall or would like a refresher, you can wach it HERE


Physical Examination

Students registering for Athletics must have a current physical examination on file in the athletic office before the student is authorized to participate in practice/tryouts. To ensure clearance for participation, Physicals should be completed and Uploaded to your Family Account no later than 3 school days prior to the first day of practice/tryouts.


All returning 10-12th graders can click the picture above to check if they need a new Physical Exam for the 2024-2025 School year. All incoming Freshman and new students will need a new physical on file in order to elgible to particpate on atheletics at ML.

Physical Examinations taken April 1st and thereafter are valid for the following two school years; Physical Examinations taken before April 1st are valid until June 30th of the following year. Click on the image below for to download the physical form.


 If you have questions or need assistance with the registration, please address them to:

Heather Schmidt
Phone: 414-421-4000 x 166
Email: hschmidt@martinlutherhs.org